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As of the 7th of June (Friday) our emissary NPC Christopher Tibis
will again have to return to his duties in the celestial realm.
Be aware that the anniversary tokens will also fade away on that day
at the time of the server save. Therefore, if you still haven't
exchanged your tokens we suggest doing so as soon as possible.
17 May 2024 - Thank you all for participating in the anniversary event. As it was in previous years, for the next week—until Friday, May 24—mobs will drop anniversary tokens, which can then be traded to NPC Christopher for unique and special rewards. Check full changelog...


27.07.2022 21:47:08


Level: 25
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 216

Re: Development Plan

Development Plan

The following development plan is a set of goals and tasks that we're going to complete in the more or less near future. Its purpose is to give you an insight into what we're working on and what future awaits Tibiantis. Please keep in mind that this development plan is by design very general and does not specify priorities or deadlines. These will be announced separately during the realization of specific tasks, because at this stage they can change due to numerous factors, sometimes beyond our control, and we need to remain flexible to account for such situations. Furthermore, the dvelopment plan is definitely not exhaustive - it includes only the improvements that you'll be able to experience. Other changes, like enhancing the anti-cheating prevention methods, developing the infrastructure, fixing bugs, or taking better care of advertising and publicity, are not included in this document, even though they are not at all less important. On the contrary, the are often the top priority and require the most time and effort.

The development plan will be updated regularly to reflect the progress accurately. New goals or tasks may also be added.

Content Updates

What usually interests everyone the most is obviously the updates. We're planning to release roughly one big update per year. Last year it was Aruthang. This year it's going to be the reworked Ankrahmun. Why not more often? Primarily because preparing an update is a time-consuming process, which by the way we're planning to document and publish in a separate article to give you a better idea of what it involves. But we can already say that creating everything from scratch - the whole concept, story, lore, sprites, NPCs, monsters, and the terrain - and then balancing it all out properly takes a lot of time and effort. If we could redirect all our focus to preparing the update, it'd probably take but a few months. However, since we have a number of other no less important tasks (e.g. tracking down cheaters), the time needed to complete the update-related works increases. Another reason (however insignificant in the face of the aforementioned time issues) is that our goal is to maintain the original core and vibe, and too frequent updates would strip Tibiantis of those nostalgic aspects, especially considering that we have plans for it for a few years forward. The game does require some freshness though, and that is why one large update per year seems to be by far the most reasonable approach.


Our plans for the client are limited mostly to cosmetic changes:

- putting out sprite packs from versions 7.1, 7.2 and 7.3 with an option to choose between them (besides the current 7.4 version)

- releasing a launcher that allows for saving and loading profiles (i.e. hot keys and other preferences)

- minor amenities, e.g. an option to keep guild chat open

- a new improved camplayer

You often ask about an additional side panel in the client - we even conducted initial tests for such a feature, but for now we pushed this to the background. Perhaps we will get back to it one day, not any time soon though.


Despite the very recent launch of the new website, we still have some improvements planned:

- a notification system that will inform about any proceedings related to the particular account and other activities worth noting, e.g. new bids in an auction, a win in an auction, upcoming rent payment day, changes inside the guild or status changes thereof (e.g. becoming inactive), mentions and quotes on the forum. We also have plans to allow guild leaders to send messages or announcements to all guild memebers using our notification system. This system is now being tested, so much work has already been done, but it is not given the highest priority.

- a new improved referral system. The plan is there but we're still working on giving it the final shape. Perhaps it will somehow be integrated with the partnership programme (see below in section Others).

- new functionalities on the forum: unread posts, preview before publishing a post, search function, a guild board for each guild, and a few other conveniences

- new content: the articles section, the updates section (where you'll be able to find information about the released and upcoming updates), the events section, the manual, an extensive "about", a subpage with a screenshot gallery, and sections related to the game specifications, like a list of spells, creatures, or the world map.

- new payment methods, including more currencies

- it's also possible that the website's design will get some improvements, including a responsive layout for mobile devices

We also had some plans for a little fanstore, but unfortunately we had to put this project on hold.

Social Media

It is definitely one of our goals to take better care of our social media. We can distinguish two main points here. Firstly, we'll be looking to increase activity on our Facebook page and YouTube channel and enhance their visibility. Secondly, we'd like to introduce some changes to our Discord space. The new features will include integrating Discord and Tibiantis accounts, trade and server-log channels integrated with the ones in the game (also a report channel, accessible only to the administration, where the reports from the game will be forwarded). The Discord server will also be boosted to handle the new functionalities.


We'd like to launch a partnership programme for streamers, fansites, tutors, and other supporters. For example, we're considering automatically granting pacc days as a benefit for active streaming from Tibiantis. The programme is in the planning phase, and - much like with the referral system - the main difficulty is deciding on its final shape. We appreciate all ideas, comments, and other forms of input on this subject, feel free to share them with us.

New Worlds

Finally, the matter that - like the updates - concerns probably the majority of players. Yes, we confirm that we would love for Tibiantis to offer more worlds, and we've been open about this from the very beginning. But as we're always saying, this cannot happen at the expense of the existing one. That is why we'd like to state: settle your nerves and fear not - the original server is not going to be forgotten, it's still important and worth playing on. No other world will be launched until we can be certain that we have the capacity to manage all of them, while still providing the same high-quality service, and that the community is able to maintain a certain level of activity to all worlds. Until then, we're refraining from making any detailed plans. That is why you should not expect new worlds any time soon. However, if we were to think ahead, we'd be considering only such worlds that differ from the existing one, so that they contribute to growing the community, instead of competing. The differences that we have in mind might include the PvP system (PvP, Non-PvP, PvP-Enforced) or the location. So we're dismissing for example another PvP server for Europe. Moreover, due to balance issues, we're also excluding worlds with rates other than x1, so we're not considering for instance a x2 server. The only acceptable exception might be - we're not saying that it will - a seasonal high-rate world, that could be launched for promotion purposes as sort of teaser of the existing long-term (x1) world. Do not, however, expect permanent long-term worlds other than x1.

Most of the questions that we get about new worlds are about a server located in America, and a Non-PvP server. As for the latter, setting and enforcing a proper policy regarding blocking out other characters might pose some difficulty. Both types of servers are possible. However, as stated before, we do not have any specific plans yet.

We're awaiting your feedback. Feel free join the discussion.

Last edit: removed Criminal Record from the list - done.
  • Last edited 29.08.2022 08:00:14.
  • Quote


28.07.2022 14:46:43


Level: 141
Profession: Elite Knight
Residence: Edron

Vice Leader of the Inquisition

Posts: 43

Re: Development Plan

Are we going to have any type of system or in depth aspect to the server? i really appreciate the time and effort on the questing and new areas, but the game, in my pov, feels stale. it's like we don't have something clear to work towards, besides mindless lvling. i understand we dont want to shift from the main game/feeling, but at the same time there isnt much to do.


28.07.2022 16:08:23


Level: 25
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 216

Re: Development Plan

Dravzin  wrote:

Are we going to have any type of system or in depth aspect to the server? i really appreciate the time and effort on the questing and new areas, but the game, in my pov, feels stale. it's like we don't have something clear to work towards, besides mindless lvling. i understand we dont want to shift from the main game/feeling, but at the same time there isnt much to do.

what type of system do you have in mind?


28.07.2022 16:28:40


Level: 8
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 92

Re: Development Plan

Kay  wrote:

Dravzin  wrote:

Are we going to have any type of system or in depth aspect to the server? i really appreciate the time and effort on the questing and new areas, but the game, in my pov, feels stale. it's like we don't have something clear to work towards, besides mindless lvling. i understand we dont want to shift from the main game/feeling, but at the same time there isnt much to do.

what type of system do you have in mind?

please don't ask 😒

ask not what tibiantis can do for you
ask what you can do for tibiantis


30.07.2022 14:52:11

Master Sorcerer

Level: 30
Profession: Master Sorcerer
Residence: Edron
Posts: 16

Re: Development Plan

Wow! I'm really excited about the 7.1-7.3 sprites packs! Started playing tibia at 7.3 so It would be a pleasure to see those sprites again! I Know you said no deadlines But... Any idea when those packs will be available? And would It affect creatures too or Just itens? I'd love to see 7.3 spiders/Poison spiders/gs's again haha...

In general, I agree 100% with tibiantis staff about How the game should be developed and the "to dos" and "not to dos", imo you guys are in the right path!


30.07.2022 15:41:48


Level: 25
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 216

Re: Development Plan

Master Sorcerer  wrote:

Any idea when those packs will be available? And would It affect creatures too or Just itens? I'd love to see 7.3 spiders/Poison spiders/gs's again haha...

I wish I could tell you when. Yes, it will include creatures too. All sprites basically.
The question is what we should do with the sprites that did not exist back then. Whether we should replace them with some equivalent old sprites or just let them be. For example in 7.1 there were no colored backpacks. Should all backpacks be replaced with the old brown backpack then? The same goes for outfits, as 7.1 only offered 4 outfits for each sex (known as facc outfits). We can leave pacc outfits there or replace them with facc outfits for better 7.1 feeling. But in such case, using the 7.1-pack, you will see no difference between facc knight and pacc knight (warrior) outfits as they would both look as the facc one.

Our custom sprites will remain unchanged for all sprite-packs. The question is about the original sprites added after those versions.
  • Last edited 30.07.2022 15:45:11.
  • Quote


30.07.2022 18:20:31


Level: 141
Profession: Elite Knight
Residence: Edron

Vice Leader of the Inquisition

Posts: 43

Re: Development Plan

Kay  wrote:

Dravzin  wrote:

Are we going to have any type of system or in depth aspect to the server? i really appreciate the time and effort on the questing and new areas, but the game, in my pov, feels stale. it's like we don't have something clear to work towards, besides mindless lvling. i understand we dont want to shift from the main game/feeling, but at the same time there isnt much to do.

what type of system do you have in mind?

I would LOVE to see things we clearly have the option to work towards, i think the core of a bestiary system is amazing. There is no need to give people advantages in game by killing a certain amount of monsters, maybe a reward for completing big amount of bestiaries, but nothing too crazy. i really really like addons and stuff as well, gives you more to go after, but i definely understand this isnt original and maybe is not the path you want to take. Just wish we had somehing to clearly do besides leveling and grinding.

Is there any rookgaard content planned? i WOULD LOVE to play on a character on rookgaard and have more to do there as well.


30.07.2022 20:21:04


Level: 8
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 92

Re: Development Plan

Kay  wrote:

Master Sorcerer  wrote:

Any idea when those packs will be available? And would It affect creatures too or Just itens? I'd love to see 7.3 spiders/Poison spiders/gs's again haha...

I wish I could tell you when. Yes, it will include creatures too. All sprites basically.
The question is what we should do with the sprites that did not exist back then. Whether we should replace them with some equivalent old sprites or just let them be. For example in 7.1 there were no colored backpacks. Should all backpacks be replaced with the old brown backpack then? The same goes for outfits, as 7.1 only offered 4 outfits for each sex (known as facc outfits). We can leave pacc outfits there or replace them with facc outfits for better 7.1 feeling. But in such case, using the 7.1-pack, you will see no difference between facc knight and pacc knight (warrior) outfits as they would both look as the facc one.

Our custom sprites will remain unchanged for all sprite-packs. The question is about the original sprites added after those versions.

u could also color old sprites to avoid confusion when switching files, something like this idk

ask not what tibiantis can do for you
ask what you can do for tibiantis

  • Last edited 31.07.2022 14:10:03.
  • Quote


31.07.2022 14:14:10


Level: 13
Profession: None
Residence: Rookgaard
Posts: 3

Re: Development Plan

Dravzin  wrote:

Is there any rookgaard content planned? I WOULD LOVE to ... have more to do there.

Amen to that.


31.07.2022 18:47:38


Level: 13
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 8

Re: Development Plan

Pi  wrote:

Kay  wrote:

Master Sorcerer  wrote:

Any idea when those packs will be available? And would It affect creatures too or Just itens? I'd love to see 7.3 spiders/Poison spiders/gs's again haha...

I wish I could tell you when. Yes, it will include creatures too. All sprites basically.
The question is what we should do with the sprites that did not exist back then. Whether we should replace them with some equivalent old sprites or just let them be. For example in 7.1 there were no colored backpacks. Should all backpacks be replaced with the old brown backpack then? The same goes for outfits, as 7.1 only offered 4 outfits for each sex (known as facc outfits). We can leave pacc outfits there or replace them with facc outfits for better 7.1 feeling. But in such case, using the 7.1-pack, you will see no difference between facc knight and pacc knight (warrior) outfits as they would both look as the facc one.

Our custom sprites will remain unchanged for all sprite-packs. The question is about the original sprites added after those versions.

u could also color old sprites to avoid confusion when switching files, something like this idk

Geez the 7.1 sprite pack I made from 15 years ago is still around. Pretty neat.

@Kay - A sprite pack like that will take less than an hour to do. Plus, the one I made for classictibia still exists. Not hard to find some1 who has it still.

The real question is, why bother wasting time with sprites when you could be finishing ankrahmun. Nobody is going to come to this server for sprites, there will be many who come for ank.
  • Last edited 31.07.2022 18:52:52.
  • Quote

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