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As of the 7th of June (Friday) our emissary NPC Christopher Tibis
will again have to return to his duties in the celestial realm.
Be aware that the anniversary tokens will also fade away on that day
at the time of the server save. Therefore, if you still haven't
exchanged your tokens we suggest doing so as soon as possible.
17 May 2024 - Thank you all for participating in the anniversary event. As it was in previous years, for the next week—until Friday, May 24—mobs will drop anniversary tokens, which can then be traded to NPC Christopher for unique and special rewards. Check full changelog...


01.11.2023 22:17:41

Topir iros

Level: 18
Profession: Sorcerer
Residence: Thais
Posts: 2

Re: Outfit proposal

I can't find such a proposal, but it seems interesting to add a few basic / custom outfits.
This will open up ways to gain experience on mobs that I don't want to attack due to waste, and it may diversify the game. Of course Citizen its basic and first but droping this item for RPG players its fun too.
Can be add also piece of cloth (hero ,ghoul ,mummy,ghost,   djin(no1 exp on djin =waste) ) spider silks from Giant spiders , Elfs for holy orchids, iron ore from dwarfs , dragon leathers . Meaby add this castom mobs drop or change loot drop to be hard to make it. Meaby new mechanic of drop ?. Like 3-4 outfits to get more fun.



04.11.2023 11:12:38


Level: 32
Profession: Elite Knight
Residence: Venore
Posts: 2

Re: Outfit proposal



16.11.2023 09:29:11

Bigos Amigos

Level: 26
Profession: Knight
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 5

Re: Outfit proposal

Hi, I agree with you that adding new outfits or updating them to those from versions 7 or 8 where the addon system was introduced is a good idea. I am afraid that this would be too much interference in the game's source code and it could completely change the image of the game. (less retro) I'd like others to comment too

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