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As of the 7th of June (Friday) our emissary NPC Christopher Tibis
will again have to return to his duties in the celestial realm.
Be aware that the anniversary tokens will also fade away on that day
at the time of the server save. Therefore, if you still haven't
exchanged your tokens we suggest doing so as soon as possible.
17 May 2024 - Thank you all for participating in the anniversary event. As it was in previous years, for the next week—until Friday, May 24—mobs will drop anniversary tokens, which can then be traded to NPC Christopher for unique and special rewards. Check full changelog...


24.09.2023 14:03:59


Level: 25
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 216

Re: Regionalized pricing (premium is too expensive for some peop

Paulo Phobos  wrote:

I know you are not doing this (regional pricing), but let me present some arguments:

- Regional pricing could only apply for premium time that is directly tied to the account. This way the premium piggy could keep the same price so we don't affect pigs economy.

It would require reworking how the tokens work, but yes, you have a point here.

Paulo Phobos  wrote:

- You say its fine that premium is expensive for some people because piggy is cheap in-game. Yes, sure, but the point of the proposal is for people that DO NOT want to use their precious in-game time in exchange for a premium, but would rather pay real cash for it.
You argue it is cheap, but lets do some math here: assuming I am a new player, I'd say the best/easiest/quickest way for me to farm gold in-game would be by selling runes, specifically UHs which have better gold/mana ratio, so I will use that as a reference.
Lets suppose a scenario where I only have 2 to 4 hours to play the game in a day. If I am not promoted, I could make on average one BP of UH a day, using almost 100% of my playtime with rune making. With a BP of UH being 2,5k today, it means it would take me 10 days to farm 25k for the premmy pig.
This means I need to invest 1/3 of all the in-game time I can spend, only to be able to keep being premium. If you count the fact that I would also need gold for other in-game activities (promotion, upgrading gear, runes, etc), I would be left with very little time to actually enjoy the game in fact, by leveling up, and etc.

Looking at that scenario, premium piggy doesn't feel as cheap as you made it sound like. I really don't want to invest 1/3 of all the time I have available to pay only to ... be able to play properly (being premium) ...
[EDIT] Moreover, that math is considering I play literally every day of the 30 days, whereas we know its quite common that I could have days that I can't or just won't play for any reason (weekends, travelling, anything). So if it means on average it would be more than 1/3, possibly almost half of the time.

Disagreed. Making runes is maybe the easiest way to make some cash (in terms of the commitment needed), but not anywhere near the best/quickest way. It is actually very slow as compared to a casual hunting, so these calculations cannot be indicative. Normally, you should be able to afford premium by the time you are around level 20~. Once you get higher level it is only easier and easier, and it's not like you cannot take those first steps in the game as FACC.

It is also worth to mention that premium in Tibiantis is relatively cheaper than it used to be back in the days (both real money and in-game money), and if you take into account the fact that we only allow playing on one account at a time and that there are no other paid options, it is also cheaper than in the current real T***a and most of the OTServers. Those may have cheaper premium stricte, but they often require you to promote more accounts or purchase other essential stuff along with premium. In Tibiantis you only have premium per one account and nothing else. That being said, I still don't think that the Tibiantis premium value is unfair.
  • Last edited 24.09.2023 14:12:17.
  • Quote


29.09.2023 22:52:06

Paulo Phobos

Level: 8
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 24

Re: Regionalized pricing (premium is too expensive for some peop

Kay  wrote:

Paulo Phobos  wrote:

I know you are not doing this (regional pricing), but let me present some arguments:

- Regional pricing could only apply for premium time that is directly tied to the account. This way the premium piggy could keep the same price so we don't affect pigs economy.

It would require reworking how the tokens work, but yes, you have a point here.

Paulo Phobos  wrote:

- You say its fine that premium is expensive for some people because piggy is cheap in-game. Yes, sure, but the point of the proposal is for people that DO NOT want to use their precious in-game time in exchange for a premium, but would rather pay real cash for it.
You argue it is cheap, but lets do some math here: assuming I am a new player, I'd say the best/easiest/quickest way for me to farm gold in-game would be by selling runes, specifically UHs which have better gold/mana ratio, so I will use that as a reference.
Lets suppose a scenario where I only have 2 to 4 hours to play the game in a day. If I am not promoted, I could make on average one BP of UH a day, using almost 100% of my playtime with rune making. With a BP of UH being 2,5k today, it means it would take me 10 days to farm 25k for the premmy pig.
This means I need to invest 1/3 of all the in-game time I can spend, only to be able to keep being premium. If you count the fact that I would also need gold for other in-game activities (promotion, upgrading gear, runes, etc), I would be left with very little time to actually enjoy the game in fact, by leveling up, and etc.

Looking at that scenario, premium piggy doesn't feel as cheap as you made it sound like. I really don't want to invest 1/3 of all the time I have available to pay only to ... be able to play properly (being premium) ...
[EDIT] Moreover, that math is considering I play literally every day of the 30 days, whereas we know its quite common that I could have days that I can't or just won't play for any reason (weekends, travelling, anything). So if it means on average it would be more than 1/3, possibly almost half of the time.

Disagreed. Making runes is maybe the easiest way to make some cash (in terms of the commitment needed), but not anywhere near the best/quickest way. It is actually very slow as compared to a casual hunting, so these calculations cannot be indicative. Normally, you should be able to afford premium by the time you are around level 20~. Once you get higher level it is only easier and easier, and it's not like you cannot take those first steps in the game as FACC.

It is also worth to mention that premium in Tibiantis is relatively cheaper than it used to be back in the days (both real money and in-game money), and if you take into account the fact that we only allow playing on one account at a time and that there are no other paid options, it is also cheaper than in the current real T***a and most of the OTServers. Those may have cheaper premium stricte, but they often require you to promote more accounts or purchase other essential stuff along with premium. In Tibiantis you only have premium per one account and nothing else. That being said, I still don't think that the Tibiantis premium value is unfair.

You are right its good we only need to pay for premium and don't have to pay for anything else like shitty Tibia where you need to pay coins for anything and everything, and thats great.
I can see regional pricing is not happening anytime soon (maybe in a distant future), but I think my mission of bringing awareness to this has been accomplished, so thank you.

One last point I have to make is: casual hunting is more profitable than rune making, if you only count the hours you spend in fact hunting. The sad reality is that all the decent/profitable spots in this server will have a long queue, and you could potentially have to wait several hours in order to be able to start hunting. So in the scenario that I only have few hours per day to hunt, I could only do it rarely as I wouldn't have time to wait until its my turn and would depend on luck of the hunting spot being empty or people leaving sooner.

  • Last edited 29.09.2023 22:54:55.
  • Quote


04.10.2023 03:39:12


Level: 25
Profession: Elder Druid
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 216

Re: Regionalized pricing (premium is too expensive for some peop

Paulo Phobos  wrote:

One last point I have to make is: casual hunting is more profitable than rune making, if you only count the hours you spend in fact hunting. The sad reality is that all the decent/profitable spots in this server will have a long queue, and you could potentially have to wait several hours in order to be able to start hunting. So in the scenario that I only have few hours per day to hunt, I could only do it rarely as I wouldn't have time to wait until its my turn and would depend on luck of the hunting spot being empty or people leaving sooner.

This is true for all the popular hunting grounds, but there are places where people usually don't go, and you can make more money (than by manasitting) just about anywhere. I stand by the opinion that 20-25k per month is a negligible cost.
  • Last edited 04.10.2023 03:39:37.
  • Quote


04.10.2023 06:31:18

Paulo Phobos

Level: 8
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Thais
Posts: 24

Re: Regionalized pricing (premium is too expensive for some peop

Kay  wrote:

Paulo Phobos  wrote:

One last point I have to make is: casual hunting is more profitable than rune making, if you only count the hours you spend in fact hunting. The sad reality is that all the decent/profitable spots in this server will have a long queue, and you could potentially have to wait several hours in order to be able to start hunting. So in the scenario that I only have few hours per day to hunt, I could only do it rarely as I wouldn't have time to wait until its my turn and would depend on luck of the hunting spot being empty or people leaving sooner.

This is true for all the popular hunting grounds, but there are places where people usually don't go, and you can make more money (than by manasitting) just about anywhere. I stand by the opinion that 20-25k per month is a negligible cost.

Yes sure, rats of Thais sewer will always be empty. Jokes aside, it's almost impossible to find a > decent/profitable < hunting spot at my level range at least (10-25) without having to wait long queues, unless I play during very low population hours. I can tell you I tried to explore most but at this level range there are very few options unless you go for a very slow resp which likely will be slower than rune making.

That was my experience at least! I usually only hunt when it's very late so I don't run into queues


09.12.2023 11:46:00

Sylwester Wardega

Level: 20
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 2

Re: Regionalized pricing (premium is too expensive for some peop

Im started 1 week ago. Now im premmy withoout lose any real money. What the problem ?

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