Players Online
As of the 7th of June (Friday) our emissary NPC Christopher Tibis
will again have to return to his duties in the celestial realm.
Be aware that the anniversary tokens will also fade away on that day
at the time of the server save. Therefore, if you still haven't
exchanged your tokens we suggest doing so as soon as possible.
17 May 2024 - Thank you all for participating in the anniversary event. As it was in previous years, for the next week—until Friday, May 24—mobs will drop anniversary tokens, which can then be traded to NPC Christopher for unique and special rewards. Check full changelog...


03.06.2022 12:53:09

Fellow Fat Boy

Level: 55
Profession: Royal Paladin
Residence: Venore
Posts: 1

Re: Retiring

I had fun playing here so far, classic oldschool server. I'd love to avoid or even fight against small groups of pk, grinding weak monsters to get better equipment to use it at differents spots, I just like the way this version of tibia is. Todays situation has shocked me and I'm powerless so I had to leave the server because I won't be blackmailed. Long story short:
I had login to sort and sell a lootbag, when I left depot I met Vomer, without any reason he started to play with my lootbag so I'd asked what's going on. He simply asked for my character list, of course I won't show it to get my lootbag, would you? Would you let a power abuser to see your equipment right before he says SHOW ME OR YOU'LL BE HUNTED. Again, without any reason, completly randomly.

I really don't care, probably I will be back in a couple months to see if something has changed. I just hope karma returns.
Have fun.


07.06.2022 23:34:45


Level: 30
Profession: Paladin
Residence: Ab'Dendriel
Posts: 2

Re: Retiring

hugs man

I hope u come back stronger, u fought vs 5 pk noobs like brave man including killing me u deserve some respect from dominandos
  • Last edited 07.06.2022 23:36:32.
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