Players Online
As of the 7th of June (Friday) our emissary NPC Christopher Tibis
will again have to return to his duties in the celestial realm.
Be aware that the anniversary tokens will also fade away on that day
at the time of the server save. Therefore, if you still haven't
exchanged your tokens we suggest doing so as soon as possible.
17 May 2024 - Thank you all for participating in the anniversary event. As it was in previous years, for the next week—until Friday, May 24—mobs will drop anniversary tokens, which can then be traded to NPC Christopher for unique and special rewards. Check full changelog...


04.04.2024 05:54:51

Szuskin Zalavia

Level: 18
Profession: Knight
Residence: Carlin
Posts: 1

Re: More premium payment options

Good evening, I come to this email to request more payment methods, mainly for Latin American players, such as myself, who is *****. There are many platforms for payments via PIX (**** payment) that you may be making available so that we can purchase. Here are some examples of companies, websites that can be partners for premium payments for you, already used a lot by Brazilians: Boacompra, Pagseguro, Reidoscoins.

Thank you, I look forward to more payment options for premium so I can buy mine.

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